You came when I needed to feel your spirit, when I was falling in despair.
Here are you now, only for me, to help me think, to help me sing.
I wish I could fly to where you are just to calm down and tell you all I have in my mind.
Today you look as marvelous as I like to see you, full and shining and it seems that If I jump I would touch it with my hands. I love this kind of days, clear sky, ful moon, and fresh air.
I wish I could do nothing at all, just lie on the grass and watch while the night pass through, the moon is the most beautiful thing, and everytime its full I can help remebering The Little Prince.
I wish I could write her a song, I wish I could feel her.
I have some thoughts running up in my mind, but the moon image speaks for its sefl and I don't need to say anything else!