Monday, April 02, 2007

Broken the barricades

I always wanted to set myself free of some old habbits of mine
I know who I am, and what I am able to do, but there was lots of things I wanted to do, but never been brave enough to just do, I have always been too judgmental with myself, deprivingmyself to just have more to tell in the future.
I have been hiding myself behind the good girl image that my family have created to myself only because I was shy, and I only needed to germinate and become who I acctually am.
But i like the new dimension i am making in my life, I am doing things I wanted without the fear of how would my family react, or if I would need to explain the facts.
I am taking baby steps but I am just me, with desires, fears, wishes, fantasies, joys and sorrows, i go whenever i want, I do whatever I want, with whoever I want.

"We will never gonna suvive, unless we get a little crazy"


Sofia said...

Just keep being the same lovely and brave girl and you'll sure survive in the storms of life :)

Dave D. said...

well im sorry but i dont feel like that always...
but i was feeling like this in the moment... so I wrote it down, it dosent means its like that always.
and yeah dreams come true...
I didnt say they dont.
but sometimes is not up to us if they come true or not... no matter how hard you fight and try...
I wrote that in a moment i felt like doing it...
my life is not shadow always anymore...really not.
but we cant be happy always...
there are moments that its just out of our hands.