Saturday, December 02, 2006
Time to burn
I have friends I can count on, I have a shelter in the rainy days or even in the snowy days and I have to face the very unknown instead of keep my foot on the ground dreaming and waiting for something I don't have.I am tired of envious people, so I'll keep then away, I had cleaned up my contact list, and I will only keep in touch with my real friends.I have a filter to my emails and calls, the junk are at the junk, I will not care anymore, if you want to cry, cry, if you want to complaint, make yourself at home, and if you don't get any answer, don't worry it doesn't meant you don't deserve, but you are not at my V.I.P. list.
I think everyone should have their own vip list, maybe a new email adress like me and some friends already have... is nice how you can always change your mobile number or msn adress, I also could try a new orkut and a new blog, no I don't need to change the blog, only VIP comes here.... hehehe
So I convoke my friends to join me at the journey of my life, there will be lots of obstacle, tears and sorrows, but lots of laughts, parties and special time with my very special people.
Take your ticket and grab a handbag, a coat and a neck-cloth, we can have some snowy days.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
By the way
I have a dream and I pray for answer and energy to keep moving day by day.
I feel sad and lonely, empty and frustrated for plenty of reasons but I hate people that doesn't use misfortune as a reason to go on.
I am the same as I was yesterday I didn't change at all, I hate your misinterpretation of my words and the meaning of the things I am saying, I don't want to explain my mood, or why I don't talk to you, if you look inside of you, you will see why.
I know life is not a seventh heaven of delight but I can't handle anymore you playing dead every single day, look forward for a change, wake up for the reality, try to get a lover, forget the past, forget about the screen, listen some music, kiss some random girls, make love, even if it's just for pleasure, forget about happily ever after, cause we are so young to keep expecting the raconteur say the happy ending, cause this is only in walt disney stories.
If you think it's about you, think about it, but don't come to tell me what you think about it or about me, cause I don't give a fuck about it!
Live for yourself instead and do me a favour feed your empty head cause you drive me close to the edge.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
The end of the beginnig
But it feels so good to have someone around, looking into each others eyes in silence, the thousand reasons to fights and millions ways to please, silly conversations, nicknames and promises.
Your perfume is still in my sueter and I still can feel you inside, even if you are not here.
I've lost myself in your eyes, is in you cologne that I numb myself and is underneath your clothes that I find myself.
I miss you!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Till it happen to you!
I don't feel the same as before, I don't dream like before except for the lifetime dream, but I am the same deep inside, with a feel changes.
I used to sit in the moonlight to write about fear, dreams, passions and ilusions like a teenager in love, maybe in love just for the moon, and I could spend hours and hours flying between I wish, I could and I don't know.
For some reason something has changed, changed for good, maybe something has changed in my life, or it's just me, I don't know!
In love? maybe Mature? I don't know!
But it's so funny how life can change in a minut, but you will only understand it when it happen to you!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
The comet that takes me to your arms
When you look at me I can't help smile, your eyes and your touch take me to other space in this galaxy.
No more fears, no more thoughts I fell utterly free to be only me, this girl that only want to be loved, with a tender look you put me in your planet and we have the time to be just you and me, I couldn't listen to any other sound but the sound of your voice.
You are between yesterday and the new tomorrow, you discovered and you showed me who I really am, the woman behind the girl fears and virtue.
So today the only thing I ask is for the blue comet to bring you back to me, cause I miss you so.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Nobody's home

My mother has been giving me the greater part of her responsability, and I have been walking behind her fixing up everything her eyes can 't see and I forgot about my own life, I have been living her life, I ain't built anything for me in the past 5 years.The worst five years of my life, and when I look back I haven't done anything, I have only been roving around and anyone notice it ever.And I can't understand how can you think its not your obligation to helps me grown up, helps me framing the basis to succeed in life, she seems to like to have me around fixing up for her and when I ask for help the answer is always the same.Everytime I have got a new kind of weariness revealed tearing up in my inner and in my heart, today I can't stand the pain on my shoulders, I can't stand carrying the world on my back anymore.Any word I say can't make them see how tired I am, and how hard I need to get my life back, although I don't even want to try anymore, I will not waste my time and my latin to make them see, it's meaningless to try.I wish I could erase the dark side of my past that keeps haunting me in the silent days and the dark nights, I wish I could forget the moments I keep seeing when I close my eyes, that hurts me so bad.I try to hide from myself all the hurt I want to forget, but now and then they keep wishper in my ears things I thought I would never ever remember and now I don't know what to do, I don't know where to go.
Friday, August 04, 2006
When the phone doesn't ring anymore
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
To the moon and back

You came when I needed to feel your spirit, when I was falling in despair.
Here are you now, only for me, to help me think, to help me sing.
I wish I could fly to where you are just to calm down and tell you all I have in my mind.
Today you look as marvelous as I like to see you, full and shining and it seems that If I jump I would touch it with my hands. I love this kind of days, clear sky, ful moon, and fresh air.
I wish I could do nothing at all, just lie on the grass and watch while the night pass through, the moon is the most beautiful thing, and everytime its full I can help remebering The Little Prince.
I wish I could write her a song, I wish I could feel her.
I have some thoughts running up in my mind, but the moon image speaks for its sefl and I don't need to say anything else!
Saturday, June 24, 2006
In the corner of the 90's
I want the 90s back, when I have nothing but my life to live, I have the amaizng love songs from boy bands that I used to dream about, posters on the wall, lots of diferent pop cds of songs I can sing by my heart, the cute and older guy from the 8th grade that me and my friends use to talk about lower in the middle of the class, lunch with my girls and all the teenagers of the school, flirting and smiling between juice and biology class.
My heart beating fast when my best friend was talking to the guy I was flirting for weeks, asking him if I had any chance with him, two steps of a heart attach when she said he wanted to hook up with me after the school which was a eternity to end, and dying when we met in the school wall, it used to be the best kiss everytime cause the guy of the moment always was a real special guy till the day he was kissing other girl.
Afternoon in the school square afters skip classes to talk or go back home, spend hours on the phone chating with friends about boy bands and our really conplicated life, when I wanted to have a piercing and a tattoo, but mom doesn't allowed till I get 18.When I felt in love thousand times and got my heart broken other million more but I always had great friend around and a new love song to cry with, beside the other boys to love in the following weeks.
Feel so empty when there was a new cd released and my mom promised to give it to me in my birthday or christmas, whole afternoon listening a new cd, or wacthing the same new video in the VCR, dancing the same Britney Spears moves for hours and hours like it was the most important thing in the world, I also remember begging to my mom for a satellite tv to watch the spanish mtv and pledgeding mysefl to behave and study for good marks at school, hours translating english songs and studying it in my room.
Vacations in my aunts house, laughing till we lose or breath, playing with our barbies, talking till 3am, watching scary movies at night, Time in my life when I didn't have worry about any career cause I was just a teenager and I was living just a life I wanted to live, when I didn't have to care about anything just my "big" private problems.
For to be honest If I could I would go back to that years, the 90's between my 13's and 16's when the problem of the world was a problem of the world and I was too busy taking care of my own troubles and learning by heart all the new N'sync's new album lyrics.
Good times I miss, good times I can see sparking right in front of me, good times I wish I could live again, good times I wish to never end.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Still Standing
I know I should cry but my hearts says it's better to be stronger,
I promised to keep my heart opened for you,
I know you can't wait for me forever.
I promised to save myself just for you
I wish I could be with you,
I promised you the rose
I wish I could change my destiny,
I promised to make your wishes come true
I wish I could turn back time and make everything so different, but maybe that's how is was meant to be.
I promised to keep the door opened just for you
I know we could be together.... but you are not here.
I promised not to cry anymore but speaking about it I can't contain the tears
I thought you would wait, I`ve been standing on the borderline
But I still love you even if now I will be alone picturing you and me
And I promise to keep my heart broken from you till the day you come back!
Forever and after my love!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Dreaming back again
Friday, May 05, 2006
The sun rise in the horizon!

I opened my eyes and I can see the sun.. shining shy, everything looks yellow like gold, and I can smell the fresh air of a new day, I am covered by my blankets, warm and safe, my socks on my feet shows me I am still the same, even if life seems to be worst than ever, outside I cannot see any problem, I cannot see anything wrong, maybe is just the sun shinning and covering the shadows of misery and weakness, but I just can feel asafe here.
Your photo is still in the portrait and the letter still on the table, some white papers and colorfull pens shows me I need to slowdown, focus in a song and let my thoughts get out for a freedom world.
I also need to sing out loud, sing my lungs out, take a deep breath and open my eyes... meditation?? yes i do...
Me, my bed, my favorite songs, and a peace of paper, that always take the sorrow away from me, they can wound the scars, they can heal my soul. I know right now I need some more, but meanwhile I will enjoy the view, the view that is right in front of me.
I know I have lots of things to fix, I know I need make some plans for the day, but why should I care right now?
this moment will pass away, the troubles are the same now, in one hours, next morning, but this special time, the now, is now....
If the phone ring I can miss the call, if the door bell rings, the postman will drop the letter in the box, If my mom ask me something I can do later, but the morning fresh air inside my pours, no.. I can't turn my face and just walk away. I can't lose it now.
Monday, May 01, 2006
He is gone!!!
Yesterday i sent a email to Martin and the emails got returned... nice...
He is gone now... I hope it's forever, but I hate stories with this kind of end... I don't know if he was a real person or just a dream... and if he was a dream, he was somekind of nightmare.
Whatever, I will work myself to stop care... I need to, I have to think a little more about me, fuck everybody else, fuck the world!
I also don't want to make friends, I already have enough, I have all the special friend I could, they are enough for a lifetime.
I am tired of selfish people just hanging around cause i am too slow and too nice... i will not be as nice as i was... I will point all the things I hate about them without even care, heartless, rude and tough! and I meant it!
And now he is gone and lots of useless friends will be gone too, no more hours of stupid stories, no more excuses, no more emtpy smiles and fake happiness.
I have the perfect friends that I know I can count on, people I don't need to beg for attention, people that start a conversation, friends who really want to know how I am.
Sometimes is better to be alone, and this is how it will be from now on, I am really tired of all this.
He is gone forver, you are gone, and there's no more "WE", now it's just me, and my friend know they are special, cause I am always around and I will always be, they know where to find me.
So now, he is gone!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Touching the stars

I pack my bags, comb my hair, dress up my best outfit and sit on the grass just waiting, my ticket is in my hand and a big smile upon my face.
Outter space is where I am going, the pilot says is warm there, I took a scrap-book and my favorite blue pen, to share with earth residents about the wonderfull diferent point of view from the space.
The pilot said I won't miss my family and friends, he says in the blue moon I can see them all, from outer space is easy to see the earth, from my star is easy to see my favorite people.
Every once in a while I can send them letters, to tell about living there, I also can send an invitation to a brunch, I am talking with me my marvellous pink dress, I need to be elegant, cause the stars are elegant, gracious and charming, and I can't disappoint any of my guests.
A good music is nice too, we can listen to some classical music, I've heard the stars like to dance and bright listening some great songs, I know Sonia would appreciate some jazz either.
My friends can aslo stay for the night, we can fly away to other planets and see the sunset.
Live there must be amazing, and I can't hardly wait to the pilot to take me there.
Comets always bring a new breeze and some space shuttle bring a smile of astronaut and visitors, my friends can be there with me forever, there's space enough for us in my planet, there's space enough for us in outter space.
To Sofy the one who taught me to see the stars in a different way, and showed me how to fly away to outter space.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
The white peace of paper is killing me
.My mind is empty but at the same time runing fast in thoughts wishs and sadness.
The stars are shining above me, my heart is drifting in despair, I am arrested in my own land craving for a escaped, I need a change.I feel like wasting my time, wasting my days and I am tired, I don't want to be here anymore.I am feeling empty I have nothing to say, I don't know what to write and I hate it, I feel like I am not myself when the paper is white and the pen is dead in my table, I feel lost, I am lost.
I am just waiting for the sunset, I am just waiting...
.My mind is empty but at the same time runing fast in thoughts wishs and sadness.
The stars are shining above me, my heart is drifting in despair, I am arrested in my own land craving for a escaped, I need a change.I feel like wasting my time, wasting my days and I am tired, I don't want to be here anymore.I am feeling empty I have nothing to say, I don't know what to write and I hate it, I feel like I am not myself when the paper is white and the pen is dead in my table, I feel lost, I am lost.
I am just waiting for the sunset, I am just waiting...
Monday, April 03, 2006
Me, myself and I
I was longing for some time out of reality, enjoing myself, hours and hours without think about problems or something like that, just seting mysefl free, and now I am feeling much more alive than ever.
I was into my private world, dreaming, wishing, hoping, waiting, imaginating... well living my own privacy, alone, just me and me.
I watched 12 movies, in 3 days, so cool, scary movies are my favorites, but Garden State was a conforting movie to my troubled mind, but it was such amazing time, I could stress out, I could relax.
Today I am feeling numb, I am feeling kind of passionated, there´s a quite smoothness in my heart that I don't know how to explain, I could do something today that I can even imagine i guess...
Anyway, this is it, nothing else happent, nothing new to say, just a numb heart and a happy mind!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
The silence that remains
The verse is repeating in my head over and over again, they laugh loud.My heart is beating fast and my spirit is fading away, I'll die, I know I will.I wonder where will I go when I died.I wonder where...They can hear me, they are looking at me, they stop singing, they are not dancing anymore.I am dying in mercy, mercy of darkness and fear, dying alone, like I've always been.My body is writhed of panic, my heart is drenched in suffering.
They scream DIE ... DIE ... DIE!
My body is struggling to be alive, I can hear the one last breath of my lungs.... The silence break through the walls, I am dead.I am gone, my spirit is gone.They take me by hand and we walk through the darkness, but I still can feel the pain, the pain will never ends, they say.I am still dying inside of my soul but my spirit is gone.Now I am just a soul holding ghosts's hands walking on the dark fields of loneliness.I am fading away through the shadows of misery.
I'm gone.
I'm gone forever!
Friday, March 24, 2006
Lock me in the heart of misery
Anything at all and just be alone
I don´t wanna live through another day
Meaningless to fight for the victory
I just wanna dive in the heart of misery
I will never be anything again
I´m tired to give, I don´t wanna try
I´m afraid to live, I´m afraid to die
I just wanna fly, throw it all away
Meaningless to fight for your sympathy
One woman forgot to breathe
One heart refused to beat
One love is incomplete
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
My crimson pain
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Creed of my silent suffocation
From Hanson to system of a down, drowned in the verses, feeling the drums in my head, the guittars and the sentimental lyrics of songs about broken heart and despair, singing along, out loud without even care about who is standing next to me.
Lately I`ve been feeling cold, I don`t feel like talking or thinking, I want to be alone in my room, imaging my future, and the only words that comes out of my mouth is the chorus of my favorite songs.
Some old cds like hanson makes more sense to me nowadays cause now I can understand the what they say as better as I used to, I remember how frustrated I used to feel for not understanding what did they say in their songs.
I am feeling as dark as rasmus songs, I feel lost and despair, I wake up in the middle of the night I lose the sleep, I woke up with somethings in my mind, so I wrote them in my diary, but I couldn`t get back to sleep, there`s something blocking me to be myself again, and I don`t know what it is and how to fight against.
I can`t talk about my feeling with anyone but my real friends, people I feel confortable with, people that had felt like this and knows how to help me for good.
I was reading some old post of Sofy`s blog and it makes me feel nice, it`s like being next to her, cause I do miss her! I also miss Sonia my big sister, and I can`t hardly wait to hear Inna singing the songs to make me feel calm.
I want to see everything white around me, I want to smell a new aroma, I want to see new faces, I want to live a new and differen kind of life, feel no more, feel no less.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
You are loved!
I know it's dark, I know you don't feel right, I know want some space, I know you are closed, I know i am annoying sometimes, but I don't like to see you sad, I don't want you to be quite, I like your silly jokes, you laughing.
I want to be there to hold you tight, look into your eyes and don't say a word, I want you in my blankets, I want you in my skin and you don't have to say anything, just look at me, just breath on me, just touch me, just love me.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Kill the light
And coincides with the beating of my heart
I feel I have something to say but the words don't come out, sometimes everything makes me crazy, lately I´ve been in my room, in the dark, just trying to empty my mind.
The dream is still clear in my dreams, the lifetime ahead me, I am still desiring you, I still have your picture in my nighttable, the song reminds me you.
Everything makes me want to be there, feel the cold wind in my face and smile... In you I want to find myself, I want to let myself fly away... the verses is repeating in my head over and over again, I can't forget your face.
Sail away, it's time to leave
Rainy days, are yours to keep
Fade away, the night is calling my name
You will stay, i'll sail away
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Wishfull Thinking!
My heart is in peaces that I gave so many people, and now I don't know who I love the most, I want to go, i want to stay, I want to give up. I don't want to plan, I want to sleep, I just want to live in my own world, the only place I can be me, unperfect, silly, stupi, happy, crier, in love, needing.
My world where I can find myself crying, where i can talk to my own, I can hear my agony, I can hear myself, I can hear the world, I also can stop the world. I want to touch the sky, I want to cry so bad, but i want to be happy.
Do i really need this to be happy? I think I can be happy living in suburb, in a simple house, with an average job, cause I don't need money, I don't want to be rich or famous, I want someone to love till the end. I want a special husband who loves me, to share emotions, to look at me while I am sleeping, to wake me up with a kiss, to make love with me so gentle, to read a book in the bed with me, I want to have kids, I want to go to my mother's in the weekends, I want to travel by train in the summer, I want to fight with my husband and after some time look in his eyes and say "I am sorry" even if I am not wrong and kiss him a movie kiss, I want to take my dog to a walk, I want to cook, I want to send christmas cars, I want to call my husband in his job just to say how much I love him, I want to take my kids in my mother at saturday to go to movies with my man, I want to take kids to the park, I want to write a book, I want to call my friend, I want to take a shower and read a book in bed, I want to help the kids with the homework, I want a simple life, nothing else. I don't need so much money to be happy but all i want is find the happiness and the meaning of my life!
Saturday, January 21, 2006
I want to go back home!
Today is my brother's birthday party and I'd like to be there, not for the party, but to make the cake, to help my mom.... I want to go home so bad!
I want to give up everything and go back, I don't have any motivation, I don't like this place, I am crying eyes out, I don't want to eat, I don't want to go out of this room.
But i know where I want to go and I also know why!
Friday, January 20, 2006
I'm All Alone!
I want to listen some music, read a book, or even try!
I don't want to hear anyone, I want to feel the peace through my pours, I want to sleep all I need, I want to dance and speak with myself.
I want to paint my nails, wash my hair and talk to my mom!
I want to wear my favorite clothes, I want to eat junky food, I want to scream I want silence...
But maybe I need more than a simple day, maybe I need a week, a month, why not a year?
I will spend the whole day at home, I will enjoy me, me just me... cause I'm all alone!
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
I walked a thousand miles to find one river of peace

Why do we always complicate everything?
Why some people live some feeling with such intensity than other?
I want to help, I want to fix the world, what's the problem in the world?
I want to bring you up here, and I want to take you there, cause I want to see you smile, I want to see you happy!
Can I show you what my life is about?
I have something you need, you have something I am missing!
I have sin in my veins, you are the poison.
Why can't you see me? Show me what do you have underneath your clothes.
I want to take some rest, but I want to travel the world, I close my eyes and I can see your face... I shiver imagining you in here!
I don't want to play the cards, I love your game, touch my hair!
Stop the world I don't want to go anymore
Everybody is changing and I don't feel the same.
Friday, January 13, 2006
I want to fly
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Can you stop this heart?
I want a place of mine,
Stop the pressure around me, stop pretend everything is fine.
Stop trying to make me see what I can´t see, stop asking me something I cannot give.
I don´t want to make any plan, I don´t want to talk about issues, I don´t have a pen, I don´t want to make friends.
Stop this heart for me please.
Stop the world, I don´t want to play this fucking stupied game.
Turn off the light, i have nothing to do with this!
Leave me alone!
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
The lonenly rose!!!

I am surrounded by so many people but i am feeling so lonely.
There´s bit empty space in my heart, but i don´t know what I am missing. My mom? my siblings? my friends? or maybe it´s my life to start. Last year i heard something that make me feel love and happy, but i still have this empty space inside of me!
I wish I could travel away to find what is missing in my heart and feel a less hopeless.
But I´ve learn that we have everything we need, but we are never happy, we aways want something we don´t have and maybe something we don´t even need so much, but just the fact that we don´t have makes us need it.
I wish i could stop complicating my life, and I also wish I was done with looking for something i don´t know what is!