Saturday, September 17, 2005

Humming bird and pink rose

We are so real as the sunrise and the sunset every single day at my window,
We are so real as the fresh and clean summer morning rain,
I am so real as the spring morning dew in the pink roses at the back yard and
You are so real as the dark blue humming bird searching for the roses' honey.
We are so real as the fact that you will probably be the one opening the petals still wet by dew and smelling chocolate for the very first time and,
We will entangle us through multi colour silk ribbons.
It's so real as the fact I wake up everyday feeling your essence exhaling from my pores
It's so real as the melodies composite by birds celebrating the bliss
And they can't take it away from us, not even steal our sunshine, cause we are so real as their weakness and our strength.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

No more darkness

You blame me for something I can't control I feel guilty, you controled every single move I made and I thought I was part of your life like you was part of mine.
It took so long for me to see you fooled me.
It took so long for me to set myself free. I should know that prince charming only exist in fairy tales ad you turn my life intoa nightmare.
I was in love with you, but you're just a big fat lie and when I needed you most you walked away from me, you never made me feel like I was special, cause I am special, doens't matter if I am in college or not, doens't matter how graduated I can be, I am still special and you was so blind to see it.
It was a huge mistake believing you and trusting every single word you said.
The pills in my night table shows me how sick I'm and it's all because of you.
The only thing I want now is you to pass away like a river ain my life and never comes back.
Because there's something wrong about you cause you're too perfect to be true.
I hope your mamma have told you that what goes around comes back around.

Listening: The Rasmus - No Fear

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Bringing on the heartbreak!

The only thing I want now, it´s to rest my head, cause it´s about to explode...
I loose my ground the only safet place I had.... Now I don´t know what to do anymore, I can´t live without it....
There´s no light ahead and I am confused and desperatly!!!