Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Winter in a tropical land

Winter is coming after all the warnings that with such global warming we would have the most warm year ever, and I thank God cause the summer was very hot I should say.
I was very afraid of having the whole warm weather again just like last year, cause there is lots of good things to do in winter cold time.
Tea is very relaxing while reading a nice book and looking the gray at the window, and I like when everything is gray, its when i can slowdown and think straight, and right now all i need is some calm time in my life!

I hope there is still a chance of changing the whole global warming and I hope we have winter time this year!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Getting more of life

Faith lies ahead

Life is funny, cause when you least expect things can suddenly change, and all you wish to happen, just happen.
Somethings i wanted the most are basically in the way, and I am just willing to live it and loving to experience what i am already living, the surprises, the unknown, the diference, the fun, the joy and the sorrow.

Further informations.... wait for more instructions....